Sep 30, 2007

Domain Name Registration

any name unless it has your keywords in it. There's no point in ranking high for your name if no one is looking for it

Try to keep your domain name registration topically relevant. As search engines get smarter and smarter, sites that display total relevance will rank higher than catch all sites.

Lastly, be sure to avoid other companies trademarks and copyrights in your domain name. For example, let's say you're an affiliate of The Sharper Image. It's tempting to use some version of that name to promote your affiliate site, but don't do it, unless of course you'd like to meet their lawyers!

To sum up, your domain name registration is easy to do, but important to do well. It can make the difference in whether you get found or not!

Keith Thompson is the webmaster at Domain Name Registration Today where you will find the latest news and information on domains.